Fr. Raymond Adamsky: Accused of Sexual Misconduct

Fr. Raymond Adamsky


  • 1958 – 1961: Blessed Sacrament Parish, Milwaukee, WI
  • 1961 – 1964: St. Joseph Parish, Grafton, WI
  • 1964 – 1969: St. John Parish, South Milwaukee, WI
  • 1969 – 1971: St. Mary Parish, Fond du Lac, WI
  • 1971 – 1973: St. Philip Neri Parish, Milwaukee, WI
  • 1973 – 1974: St. Leonard Parish, Muskego, WI
  • 1974 – 1975: St. Casimir Parish, Milwaukee, WI
  • 1975 – 1978: St. Vincent De Paul Parish, Milwaukee, WI
  • 1978 – 1981: St. Stanislaus Parish, Milwaukee, WI
  • 1981 – 1986: St. Kilian Parish, St Kilian
  • 1986 – 1992: St. Joseph Parish, Racine, WI
  • 1992 – 1993: St. Monica Nursing Home Chaplain, Racine, WI


In 1983, parents reported to a pastor about inappropriate and forced kissing, embracing, and attempted fondling done to their 10 and 12 year old daughters by Adamsky. He had also given one of the girls a sexually explicit gift of underwear. This pastor reported these accusations to the vicar for clergy. The vicar said Adamsky would be confronted and referred for counseling.

Adamsky denied the allegations of forcing himself on the girls and said the underwear was intended as a joke and that he thought the parents knew this was the intent. Adamsky was sent to a psychologist who recommended a full evaluation. The psychologist reported no reason to remove him from ministry. The psychologist recommended that the vicar speak with the parents and offered his assistance to them or the daughters. The vicar called the parents and reported on steps taken. The parents indicated satisfaction and said all things are fine.

Adamsky was sent for a full evaluation. A psychologist found no serious psychological issues and advised that there was no need for any change in ministry.

Bishop Sklba received a letter from a victim on August 12, 1989 saying she had been abused at the age of 10 some 25 years before. She did not name the priest and said, “I never told anything to anyone.” He responded (8/21/89) that he wanted to meet with her as soon as possible after his recovery from surgery.  The victim responded (9/6/89) that she would meet him at her therapist’s office, gave dates that would be possible, but the priest was still not named.

In December, 1989, the same victim set up a meeting with Bishop Sklba, her therapist and herself.  They met and she spoke about the abuse but did not identify the priest.

In February, 1990, Bishop Sklba met again with the victim and her counselor for further discussion and she revealed the name of Adamsky. In March, 1990, Bishop Sklba met with Adamsky and informed him of the allegation which is still somewhat vague. Adamsky said he only had vague recollections of an inappropriate relationship from that time. Bishop Sklba said he would contact the pastor of the parish where Adamsky is associate pastor to inform him and inquire about any problem behaviors being noticed.

In April,1990, Bishop Sklba asked the pastor about any problems and heard that there have been no such reports. When the new pastor is assigned, he is advised by Bishop Sklba of reports about Adamsky and asked to ensure that there is supervision over him.

In November, 1990, the same victim contacted Bishop Sklba saying that she was still interested in some form of personal confrontation with Adamsky, on her own terms and timeline. In October, 1991, Bishop Sklba attended a meeting with Adamsky and the victim along with her therapist, a Lutheran pastor, and a friend. The victim reported that the abuse occurred in 1963 – 1964 when she was ten years old. Adamsky denied it.

In October, 1991, Bishop Sklba restricted ministry of Adamsky and in November, 1991, the pastor was informed that Adamsky was not to be alone in any classroom, was not to be in the school building at the beginning or end of school day, was to have adult acolytes, and was not to hear confessions of children. Adamsky was sent for counseling.

In March, 1992, the pastor had the principal talk to two former students to ask if anything had ever happened to them when they were in grade school. They said Adasmky made them uncomfortable because of his rough physical contact with them but there was no report of sexual abuse. In March, 1992, Adamsky was told he would not have a parish assignment again when his term was up in June. Negotiations between lawyers took place about what kind of assignment would be agreeable and it was determined that chaplain work at a retirement home would be possible.

August, 1992, Adamsky was assigned as chaplain at St. Monica Retirement Home. In June, 1993, Adamasky retired with restrictions on ministry still in place. In 1994, a settlement agreement was reached with a payment of $20,000. In 1995, the restrictions were firmed up in the form of a canonical precept. In 2004, Adamsky’s case was referred to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Due to advanced age and health concerns, the request was made that he be assigned to a life of prayer and penance and this request was granted.

In 2002, a mother met with the vicar for clergy and reported that in 1961 she and her husband reported to an archdiocesan official, who was a friend of theirs, about inappropriate sexual comments made to their daughter in the context of confession. There is no record of this 1961 meeting.

Pastoral Assignment Gathered From The Archdiocese of Milwaukee