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Dedicated Clergy Abuse Lawyers Fighting for Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse in California for Decades

For more than 40 years, Jeff Anderson & Associates has helped hundreds of child sexual abuse survivors in California find a path to justice and healing. We are smart, tough and relentless, but the virtue that ultimately sets us apart is our compassion. We are people who feel deeply and work tirelessly in response to an unjust world. We have a reputation for being the best at what we do, and that begins and ends with our ability to support, protect and guide survivors along their journey toward justice and healing.

If you were sexually abused by a priest, counselor, teacher, coach, or other trusted adult in California, you still have rights. We want to help you. Contact us confidentially today.

We Find Justice for Survivors of Childhood Clergy Sexual Abuse

If you or someone you know has been the victim of child abuse in California, it is important to seek legal help as soon as possible. Jeff Anderson & Associates is a leading law firm that specializes in child abuse cases. Our experienced attorneys have helped thousands of victims of sexual abuse, harassment, and priest abuse get the justice they deserve. If you need an abuse attorney in California, we can help. We offer a free consultation so that you can get to know us and our legal team.

We represent survivors of child sexual abuse against individual offenders and the institutions that harbor the offenders. We have successfully filed claims on behalf of survivors of priest sexual abuse in every diocese in California. Additionally, we have helped survivors of child sexual abuse involving a trusted adult in a position of power, including teachers, counselors and coaches.

We Want to Help. Your Privacy Will be Protected

Every survivor of child sexual abuse should be allowed to come forward when he or she is ready. If you decide to contact us and share your story, we want you to know that your privacy will be respected and protected. We have worked with child sexual abuse victims and survivors for over 30 years and understand how difficult it is to take this step. Your identity will remain confidential throughout the entire process.

When you call the advocates at Jeff Anderson & Associates, you will speak to an experienced sexual abuse lawyer. We have the ability to support, protect and guide sexual abuse survivors in California on their journey toward justice and healing.

When you contact us, you will speak confidentially with a trained advocate who will listen to survivors and help them navigate the legal system.