Jeff Anderson & Associates Advocate Spotlight: Kellie Glasow

Not only are all of our advocates trauma-informed, but every single one is deeply passionate for our mission to empower survivors and protect kids. We hope this mini-interview gives a small window into some of the talented, empathetic and driven advocates that work at our firm.

Q: What is your favorite thing about working at Jeff Anderson & Associates?

A: I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to help kids. There’s not a lot of places out there that allow you to help children and make the world a better place for kids. As terrible as the trauma is that survivors have been through, I know I can help get a piece of their life back. Seeing the transformation of survivors from beginning to end is incredible.

Q:  What is the best part about working with survivors?

A:  Just by speaking with and interacting with them, survivors make my day. When a survivor shares something with me that they wouldn’t share with other people, it shows that I have done my part to make them feel comfortable and safe in a world that doesn’t really feel safe anymore.

Q: How have you grown in the nine years that you have worked here?

A: I am much more confident than I used to be and take more initiative in a lot of ways. I’ve been told I’m a go-to person for a lot of my colleagues, which is great, and I’m glad I can be that person.

After 9 years, I’m a little bit more understanding and I’m more open-minded. I look differently at the world being in this space. I see people differently. I don’t look at a person and assume anything right away. Survivors have taught me SO much about how a person expresses themselves or how certain behaviors may be a trauma response. I’ve gained patience and understanding with humans.

Q: What’s it like working here?

A: I’ve met so many great people in this space, not just here at the firm but our co-counsels, advocates, and so many survivors that we have worked with. I’ve been given many opportunities that help me grow personally. I’ve learned that I really enjoy training individuals; I like seeing where someone starts and then seeing them apply my feedback or instruction and watch them do it on their own and grow.

Q: Do you see a future here?

A: I’ve been here 9 years and I’m still surprised by the things that I hear, see, and learn. Knowing the difference I can make here, to the survivors, to future children, is not something I’m really going to get anywhere else. I want to continue to be able to provide support for survivors and to help protect kids…. I’m all in.