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Clergy Files Produced by Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Personnel Files of clergy who where subject of the 2007 global settlement have been publicly released and are listed below.

Abercrombie, Leonard

Aguilar-Rivera, Nicolas

Alzugaray, Joseph

Arzube, Juan

Baker, Michael

Barmasse, Kevin

Boyer, Leland

Brennan, John

Buckley, Michael

Buckman, Franklin

Caffoe, Lynn

Carey, Cleve

Carriere, David

Carroll, Michael

Casey, Edward

Casey, John

Castro, Willebaldo

Chandler, David

Coffield, John

Cosgrove, John

Coughlin, Richard

Cronin, Sean

Cruces, Angel

Daley, Wallace

Dawson, John

Deady, John

DeJonghe, Harold

Devaney, James

Diesta, Arwyn

Doherty, John

Dolan, James

Duggan, Albert

English, Thomas

Farabaugh, Clint

Farmer, Donald

Farris, John

Faue, Matthias

Feeney, John

Fernando, Walter

Fessard, Gerald

Fitzpatrick, James

Ford, James

Gallagher, George

Garcia, Cristobal

Garcia, Peter

Garcia, Richard

Ginty, Denis

Granadino, David

Grill, Philip

Grimes, James

Gunst, George

Hackett, John

Hagenbach, Clinton

Hanley, Bernard

Haran, Michael

Hartman, Richard

Henry, Richard

Hernandez, Stephen

Horvath, Bertrand

Hunt, Michael

Hurley, Daniel

Jaramillo, Luis

Kearney, Christopher

Kelly, Matthew

Knoernschild, John

Kohnke, John

LaPierre, David

Lindner, Jerold

Llanos, Theodore

Loomis, Richard

Lopez, Joseph

Lovell, Lawrence

MacSweeney, Eugene

Marshall, Thomas

Martinez, Ruben

Mateo, Leonard

McAsey, Joseph

McCarthy, Kevin

McElhatton, Thomas

Miani, Titian

Miller, George

Monte, Alfred

Nocita, Michaelf

O’Carroll, Charles

O’Connor, Donal

Orellana-Mendoza, Samuel

Pecharich, Michael

Perez, Henry

Pina, Joseph

Plesetz, Gerald

Ramos, Eleutario

Reilly, Terrence

Rodriguez, Carlos

Roemer, Donald

Roper, William

Rowe, Dorian

Rozo, Efrain

Rucker, George

Ruhl, John

Ryan, Joseph

Salazar, John

Salinas, Gabriel

Sanchez, Manuel

Santillan, John

Savino, Dominic

Scott, George

Sharpe, Joseph

Sheahan, John

Shimmaly, Edward

Silva-Flores, Fidencio

Stallkamp, Louis

Sutphin, Carl

Tamayo, Santiago

Tepe, Raymond

Terra, Michael

Ugarte, Jose

Van Liefde, Christopher

Vetter, Henry

Villa Gomez, Nemoria

Weitz, Wilfrid

Wempe, Michael

Ziemann, Patrick




