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News Release: Names of 17 Priests Added to Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis’ List of Abusers Today

The Names of 17 Priests Accused of Child Sexual Abuse Added to Archdiocese’s List of Abusers

Disclosures Part of Doe 1 Settlement and Child Protection Action Plan

Documents and Priest Files on All 17 Priests Soon to Follow


(St. Paul, MN) – Today, the names of 17 additional priests who are the subject of substantiated claims of sexual abuse of minors were added to Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis’ disclosure lists posted on its website.  In addition, three men whose names were previously identified as having unsubstantiated claims are now added to the substantiated claim disclosure list. This disclosure of names was agreed upon as part of the settlement of the Doe 1 civil lawsuit and is an early step in the child protection action plan announced last week.

At least four of the names* announced today have never been released to the public before. The list of names includes the following priests:

Edward Beutner                      Ambrose Filbin            *Harry Majerus          James Porter

*Robert Clark                          Jerry Foley                   William Marks            Charles Potocki

Eugene Salvatore Corica        Ralph Goniea              Wendell Mohs             Roger Vaughn

*Donald Dummer                   Reginald Krakovsky     Jim Nickel                    James Vedro

Thomas Erickson                     Robert Loftus              *John Owens               Adalbert Woski

“This is a big step forward in an action plan begun and reached as part of an agreement with the Archdiocese,” said attorney Jeff Anderson. “The more that is known about these offenders and their histories, the safer our community becomes. This is just the beginning of a plan for full disclosure.”

Attached is a fact sheet compiled by Jeff Anderson & Associates based on files received in the Doe 1 case, the official Catholic Directories, and independent investigations. Documents and priest files on all 17 priests will be released in the upcoming weeks and will be available at